
You’ve found your way to Harmony, now look a little closer In Harmony.

Welcome to Harmony’s blog, In Harmony.  This occasional information piece is created to offer updates, and information directly from Harmony’s founder, executive offices, and professional staff.  We want to provide a resource that is not only enlightening but also focused on the joy, humor and passion that is Life in Harmony.


Harmony’s Anomaly – Truly Unique

It’s often asked, “how can Harmony offer such extensive high-quality amenities for such a below-market, bargain price?” Simply said, Harmony is still in the development phase of the community, therefore the development company, through on-going sales, is able to provide additional operating capital until such time the membership counts reach maturity. Membership fees and membership dues have been modestly increased over time to reflect expanding Club amenities, and higher operational costs for labor and on-going maintenance and repair … Continue readingHarmony’s Anomaly – Truly Unique

Golf Course Maintenance Spring 2019

April 8th and 9th Harmony will deploy a new piece of equipment for greens aerification. The machine, known as a “deep tine” or “verti-drain” aerator is capable of making deeper holes to penetrate the various profiles of material that make up USGA greens. The tines are 5/8” in diameter and 9” long which produce an aerifying depth of almost 8”. Now water will be able to move deeper through the greens profile to subsurface drainage, creating space for … Continue readingGolf Course Maintenance Spring 2019

Harmony’s Clubhouse – Ready for Construction

After years of steady membership growth, Harmony Club is approaching the originally-projected 360-member benchmark that supports the construction of its clubhouse building.  In a fairly counter-intuitive move, Harmony did not start out the now 12-year-old golf course development with a club house as is the more traditional, “build it and they will come,” model.  Rather, in step with developer Byron Collins’ characteristic and methodical “slow can be faster” mantra, Harmony is finally enjoying critical mass both in terms … Continue readingHarmony’s Clubhouse – Ready for Construction

What’s Missing is the Moisture

Since November 1, 2018 until now, the area has seen less than .5” of perception.  Even by Colorado’s arid standards, this extreme lack of moisture is unprecedented.  While the mild winter makes it particularly appealing to get outside and enjoy, Harmony’s golf course is more vulnerable to serious damage than ever. When winter sets in, the course’s turf goes dormant.  The leaf tissue dies, essentially becoming an insulating barrier to the crown; the delicate part of the plant … Continue readingWhat’s Missing is the Moisture